Hanham Hall Residents’ Group

At the AGM of the Hanham Hall Residents’ Group (HHRG) on 2nd February 2022 it was not possible to form a committee and therefore the HHRG has not been able to continue. 

The HHRG had originally been formed to organise events on behalf of residents, we would encourage individuals or groups of residents who would like to organise future events/activities for the community to apply directly to the CIC for funding.

To apply for funding please complete the application form and email this to Pinnacle. The process will be kept as simple as possible but if you need any help or advice regarding applications please contact Robyn at Pinnacle.

This website, the HHRG email and Notice Board Facebook page will all continue as they are so that they can be used to advertise events and activities. If you would like to receive email updates on what is happening at Hanham Hall please contact the HHRG email and ask to be added to the email group.

Huge thanks to all who have served on the committee or helped arrange events during the time of the HHRG. The events don’t need to stop, but the mechanism for organising these has now changed.

Community Bike Ride

woman cycling through avenue of trees

It seems to be a long time since our last community bike ride, but, taking our cue from Eunice, there will be an opportunity to blow away the cobwebs on Saturday, 26th February.

Declining numbers last year mean that this is likely to be our only organized bike ride this year.  Our affiliation to Cycling UK ends on 27th March, and a decision was taken at the January meeting of the Residents’ Group not to renew.

We’ll be cycling to The Little Coffee Shop at Saltford, a total distance of about 15 miles.  We meet in the Hanham Hall car park at 9.45 a.m. for a prompt 10 a.m. start.  The ride will finish at about 12.45 p.m.

Children and young people under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  Although not compulsory, we recommend that all participants wear a helmet.  You may also want to bring a face covering and hand sanitizer.

Weather permitting, I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, 26th February

Happy cycling