Summer visitors – goats, bugs and students

The goats return to the meadows on 4th July and a band of volunteers will be checking in on them each day to ensure they are safe and have sufficient bedding. They’ll be with us for as long as it takes them to eat through the brambles and scrub. So remember they don’t need any other food.

You may also see four students from the University of the West of England working in our meadows over the summer on their final year projects. They will be looking at the effect that hay cutting and goat grazing has on the diversity of wild flowers and visiting pollinating insects. So if you spot some one crouching in the grass staring at the floweres it is just the students conducting their counts. If you would like to know more just ask them, they are a very friendly bunch. Look out for more info on what they discovered later in the year.

And finally the environment group finished the bug hotel on Sunday, so hopefully we’ll have a whole load more bugs taking up residence in our meadows!