HHRG update

There was a meeting of the Hanham Hall Residents Group (HHRG) on 18th March where a group of residents talked about what events and activities could be held within our community. There are already a few things on offer, with some more ideas to come.

The Air Ambulance is offering a short course later in the sprint on how to use our defibrillator and perform CPR. Details will be on our Residents Facebook group or contact the group email.

This Sunday (21st) there is an opportunity to meet neighbours and tend to our wonderful green spaces. This is one of the regular environment group sessions where residents help tend the 6 acres of wildflower meadow around our site. They also organise the monitoring of the wildlife.

The next Quiz Night is on 26th April in Ivy’s Cafe – get a team of up to 4 people together and pit your wits against your neighbours. The Book Group is still running and has its own Facebook group if you are interested in joining.

There are a few other ideas in the pipeline so keep an eye out for more details on

  • Social dog walking
  • Community Cycling Group (awaiting the retraining of the leader)
  • Art Classes (expected later this year)

Details will be posted on this site, or our Facebook page or via the new WhatsApp group or ask via the group email.

If you have ideas for other activities, do come along to the next HHRG meeting on May 20th, 7pm in Ivy’s Cafe