In order to preserve the built environment at Hanham Hall and help keep it a safe, secure, clean and welcoming place to reside, all legal transfers of homes on the estate contain a number of covenants which all residents must comply with.

Summary of Covenants

Not to make any external alterations or additions to the property including erecting new buildings, sheds or temporary structures unless they comply with the CIC design code and prior written consent is obtained.

Not to make any alterations to the exterior of the property (including windows, window glazing and doors) without CIC consent.

Not to build a fence or wall on the property or remove any existing plants or trees in the grounds, visible from public realm.

Not to alter any bike or bin store.

Not to cause a nuisance.

Not to erect any satellite dishes or aerials on the exterior of the dwelling save for communal satellite dishes or aerials erected by the CIC.

Not to carry out any business from the property between the hours of 23.00 and 07.00 and only use it as a domestic dwelling.

Not to allow washing to be visible from the property other than the rear garden.

Not to let or underlet any Residential Units or Affordable Housing Units otherwise than by way of a Permitted Letting.

Not to discharge into any Conduits at the Property anything which would be corrosive or harmful or which would cause any obstruction of them or allow or permit any waste or hazardous materials to be deposited on or to escape from the Property.

Not to park a trailer, caravan, motorised caravan, boat or commercial vehicle on the property or on the rest of Hanham Hall. Only park in allocated spaces and keep visitor parking free for short term visitor parking.

Not to leave rubbish out, except in a bin store.

Not to damage the estate common parts and not to play music or games on the estate common parts other than in allocated spaces.

Not to put any signs on the exterior of the property other than a house number.

Only keep domestic pets.

To observe and perform all covenants, conditions, obligations, provisions and other requirements contained in a planning permission and/or Planning Agreement relating to the Property.

To pay the service charge and rent charge that applies to your property as well as the Community Levy charge. This includes interest on overdue sums, and any costs in claiming a debt due against the occupier.

To keep the exterior of the property clean and in good state of repair.

To keep any garden well maintained, other than those areas maintained by the CIC.

To participate in and provide such reasonable assistance as the Estate Management Company may require in respect of any survey conducted by or on behalf of the Estate Management Company in relation to the overall management of the Estate and the delivery of any services provided by or on behalf of the Estate Management Company to residents of the Estate.

To maintain in good condition (replanting as necessary) any hedgerows forming part of any Unit on the Property and not to remove any hedgerow without the prior written approval of the CIC.

Additional covenants only applicable to flats

To pay ground rents.

Not to obstruct the internal common parts of any block.

To ensure all floor coverings consist of good quality carpets or have suitable underlay.

All bicycles, pushchairs, etc. must be kept in appropriate storage cupboards.

This is a summary and full copy of covenants can be found in your Lease/Transfer document.