
There are a number of bin stores around Hanham Hall with separate bins for recycling glass, paper & cardboard, plastics & cans, food waste, and general (non-recyclable) rubbish. There are details of collection days on the South Gloucestershire County Council website, where you can also register to take your car to the Sort It centre…

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Technical Advice

All the information you could wish for covering your heating, ventilation, how to maintain the exterior of your property, what to grow up your timber frame… There are step by step guides and user manuals. It’s for general information only so any reliance you place on this information is strictly at your own risk.

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Neighbourhood Watch

According to the police a Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) scheme is the best way to help tackle crime by reporting suspicious activity to them and passing on alerts to neighbours re criminal activity in the area. Criminals look out for NHW signs as they know people who live in these areas are likely to be more…

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