
The grazing of goats in our meadows has been approved by the CIC so we now need to organise the meadows to receive them. We will need a band of volunteers to help set up and look after the goats while they are with us. 

If you would like to take part there will be a gathering by the allotments on Wednesday 29th Sept at 6.30pm where Peter will outline what needs to be done.  If you would like to be involved but can’t make it please email and we will get back to you with an update.

Ye-Ha! Hoedown fantastic

We had a fantastic time at the Western Hoedown on 11th September and the weather looked kindly on us! There was an afternoon of entertainment from The Flaming Feathers giving us the Can Can, to Lucy Lost-It teaching circus skills to the children. Many of us enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with neighbours in the sunshine or try our skills in tin can alley. After a buffet from Ivy’s Cafe we danced the night away to the amazing For The Record.

An amazing day – thanks to all who made it happen.

Hay making time

hay bales in autumn sunshine

The meadows will be cut for hay sometime over the next couple of days and then the cut hay will be turned and raked before being baled. The complete process will take 7 – 10 days so please keep clear of the tractor when walking, and keep all dogs on a lead when the tractor is working.

Thank you!

Yoga Classes

There are a few spaces in the residents’ yoga class held each Thursday in the Community Room. The class starts back on 16th September, 7-8pm.

All abilities welcome, contact Shula to book your place on 07949 333548.

Wild West Hoedown

You should have received a flyer our Wild West Hoedown taking place on Saturday 11th September. We need you to respond by Sunday 8th August with numbers and dietary requirements so that we get the catering right.

Also if you have an tin cans (washed and with labels still on) Emma is collecting these for the tin can alley. You can drop these round to her too.

Full details and timings can be found on the events page, and this will be updated should anything change nearer the time.

It will be great to be able to meet outdoors and kick back with family and neighbours.

Wildflower Meadow Guide

This is a repeat post from last year as this is such a wonderful gift from Peter it deserves another plug and reminder.

Our resident expert, Peter Smithers has produced a guide for the flowers to be found in the meadow. It is full of photos and details of when they are most likely to be found.

Peter says “This is the first edition of this guide so it is not a definitive list of the plants that make our meadows their home. More will be found and some will be lost as the meadows mature. If you find anything that is not in the guide send me a photo along with where about in the meadow you found it. I can then check it out and add it to the next edition of this guide.
Many thanks and I hope you enjoy wild flower spotting.”

Community Newsletter 6

This quarter’s newsletter is once again packed with information and news. As we continue to enjoy the great outdoors, you can find out about the joy of allotments (there are some available!) as well as hear what the environment group and bee keepers have been up to. If you were not lucky enough to witness the Circomedia visit, there is a write up and photos. And a teenage resident shares her reflections on the Hope Tree she organised and championed. If that’s not enough there is also a update from the CIC on their latest activities, plans and discussions.

Trim Trail ‘how to guide’

On Sunday 6th June, Kirsty Brown a Personal Trainer and resident of Hanham Hall showed a group of 7 residents how to make use of the grounds as a “Trim Trail”.  Using items such as the benches and the wooden and metal climbing structures she introduced exercises to develop different aspects of the body, including core strength.  If you were not able to attend (and even if you were) here are some Trim Trail Exercise Ideas to give you a taste of how you can get into shape in our local meadows.

Open Gardens goes virtual

Unfortunately the Open Gardens event planned for 29th May will not now go ahead, as there was too few people volunteered to open their gardens.

However there is still the opportunity to share pictures of your gardens, balconies or allotments and these will be posted on the Virtual Open Gardens gallery page. Please send any photos to hanhamhallresidentsgroup@gmail.com by 31st May and these will be displayed on the gallery.

No prizes or judging, just the sharing of images which celebrate our outdoor spaces and who knows, they may bring inspiration to others.

Circus Parade – new date

Sadly, and not unsurprisingly, Circomedia have had to postpone their planned performance here at 5.30 this evening due to the weather. Very disappointing for them and for us, but naturally their safety is paramount, and they’re worried about acrobats slipping on wet grass etc.

Weather permitting, it’s rearranged now for next Wednesday, 26th, at 5.30pm, with the plan exactly as before. Fingers crossed for sunshine and better conditions for performers and we spectators too.

Meanwhile keep dry and have a good weekend.