HHRG update

There was a meeting of the Hanham Hall Residents Group (HHRG) on 18th March where a group of residents talked about what events and activities could be held within our community. There are already a few things on offer, with some more ideas to come.

The Air Ambulance is offering a short course later in the sprint on how to use our defibrillator and perform CPR. Details will be on our Residents Facebook group or contact the group email.

This Sunday (21st) there is an opportunity to meet neighbours and tend to our wonderful green spaces. This is one of the regular environment group sessions where residents help tend the 6 acres of wildflower meadow around our site. They also organise the monitoring of the wildlife.

The next Quiz Night is on 26th April in Ivy’s Cafe – get a team of up to 4 people together and pit your wits against your neighbours. The Book Group is still running and has its own Facebook group if you are interested in joining.

There are a few other ideas in the pipeline so keep an eye out for more details on

  • Social dog walking
  • Community Cycling Group (awaiting the retraining of the leader)
  • Art Classes (expected later this year)

Details will be posted on this site, or our Facebook page or via the new WhatsApp group or ask via the group email.

If you have ideas for other activities, do come along to the next HHRG meeting on May 20th, 7pm in Ivy’s Cafe

Tree planting on Formal Lawn

We’ve some more trees to plant on the Formal Lawn. They’ll be out next to the benches to provide some shade when they are mature.

They suggested times are either Wednesday 13th March at 11am, or Thursday 14th March at 9am. Meet on the Formal Lawn.

If you can help please contact Peter or the HHRG email. Though I’m sure there will be no objections to just turning up and helping on the day and seeing who is around.

Jobs for the weekend

Sunflower field

There are a couple of jobs to do around the open spaces before Christmas, so if you are free to join a small group on Sunday 10th December this would be much appreciated.

There are a few trees to transplant and a couple of patches of brambles to clear (which might carry over to the new year depending on numbers). Tools and gloves can be provided but if you have your own feel free to bring them.

Meet by the allotments at 10am

And no, this has nothing to do with sunflowers, but we all need a bit of brightness on the grey mornings!

The life in our meadows

Some of you may be aware that students from UWE have been conducting projects in our meadows over the summer. They are now writing these up and have agreed to present their findings to us on September 28th at 7.00pm in Ivy’s Cafe.

All are welcome to attend and if you can inform Peter direct or via the group email then we can cater for you. Sandwiches, cakes, tea or coffee will be available as part of the evening.

The evening will comprise a short talk from Peter on how we manage the meadows then talks from each of the three students on how the management has affected the flowers, beetles and pollinators.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Summer visitors – goats, bugs and students

The goats return to the meadows on 4th July and a band of volunteers will be checking in on them each day to ensure they are safe and have sufficient bedding. They’ll be with us for as long as it takes them to eat through the brambles and scrub. So remember they don’t need any other food.

You may also see four students from the University of the West of England working in our meadows over the summer on their final year projects. They will be looking at the effect that hay cutting and goat grazing has on the diversity of wild flowers and visiting pollinating insects. So if you spot some one crouching in the grass staring at the floweres it is just the students conducting their counts. If you would like to know more just ask them, they are a very friendly bunch. Look out for more info on what they discovered later in the year.

And finally the environment group finished the bug hotel on Sunday, so hopefully we’ll have a whole load more bugs taking up residence in our meadows!

Bug Hotel building

The next session of the Environment Group meets on Sunday 25th June at 10.30am. They will finish the rebuilding of the bug hotel in the meadow, and tackle some of the brambles.

Meet by the allotments and bring gloves if you have them, though some can be provided.

Team Environment Day

On Tuesday 13th September we hosted a team day for the Environment Agency. Each year staff at the Environment Agency are allowed a day to work as a team on environmental outcomes and we were a great fit. They helped rebuild the bug hotel, cleared some space around our new trees and helped cut back some of the brambles. A few members of Hanham Hall also turned up to help in the work. Once again Peter Smithers was instrumental in arranging a suitable day.

If you know of other local organisations or businesses who would like to do something similar do get in touch. These activities are great for the team and great for our meadows too!

Return of the goats!

After the success of last year, the goats are set to return on 10th August. They will be here for 3-4 weeks depending on how much and how fast they eat. If they are anything like last years’ tribe it’ll be visit early to avoid disappointment!

If you are interested in helping with their care, contact Peter or drop a message to the mailbox.

Environment Group – new date

Due to the heavy rain and high winds, the tree planting will now be 10.30am on Thursday 17th at the allotment sheds.

We have been given another batch of trees to replace some of the ones we have lost over the last two years and a few extras to expand our woodland.

These will be arriving on Valentines Day Feb 14th so we would like to get them planted over the following days. There are 50 trees to plant.

We also have to tidy up the material that the gardeners have removed from the pond so would anyone be free on Sunday 30th to do this? It will only take an hour to sort. Again let Peter know if you can help.

If you don’t have Peter’s details please contact HHRG.