The Hanham Hall apiary (bee enclosure) was provided, along with equipment and bees by Barratt Homes on completion of the development. The HHRG provided funding for initial training of a group of residents.

We still have the two bee hives, but the initial group of bee keepers has shrunk to zero. If there is enough interest from other residents to get involved in maintaining the colony then there is funding from the Community Levy to bring in an experienced bee keeper to train a group. There’s a quite a bit to do in the spring and summer months, and everyone, including the bees, has a bit of a break over the winter.

The bee have given us up to 60lb jars of honey in their busiest year which was sold at a good price to residents, to offset the cost of supporting these amazing and necessary pollinators.

If anyone is interested in being involved in maintaining the colony please contact Peter Smithers or via the HHRG email.