3rd Sunday of the month (ish)
10.30am, Allotments

Organiser: Peter Smithers

The Environment Group meet, generally on the third Sunday of the month at 10.30am to do work in the orchard, meadows and grounds around Hanham Hall to make the most of our wonderful surroundings. Everyone is welcome to attend and lend a hand under the guidance of our resident expert Peter Smithers.

Previous projects include converting a pile of pallets in the allotment area into four bug hotels in the meadow. Around a dozen residents completed this work by adding some organic material onto the hotels to make it even more welcoming for the bugs.

Depending on the weather refreshments such as hot soup or coffee are provided at lunch time. Come along and help make the most of our environment!

Last seasons programme (to whet your appetite):

25th June – finish the building of the bug hotel in the meadow and deal with some bramble encroachment in the meadows.

6th July – mulching around the bases of the trees that have been recently planted and those in the orchard. 

20th July – pulling up ragwort ahead of the haymaking in September

10th December – transplanting a few trees and clearing some brambles

18th February – plant trees to replace some that perished

25th February – clear some encroaching bramble from the meadows

21st April – tidy up the Reade Close woodland, clearing brambles and planting wildflower seed

12th May – sowing wildflower seed in the swale (down the side of the greenhouses)

23rd June – finally (hopefully) clearing the brambles in the woodland by Reade Close and sowing wild flower seed there instead

Meet by the allotments at 10.30am

Peter has also produced a guide to the wildflowers found in the meadow around Hanham Hall – happy spotting in the summertime!