Community Room

You can book the community room for your own use


Robyn Liddiard:  01793 299030

Claudia Dabbs:  01793 299030

Address: Pinnacle Property Management Ltd, Units 1, 2 & 3, Beech Court,  Wokingham Rd, Hurst, Berkshire, RG10 0RQ


The Locality Officer from Sovereign Housing Association who deals with Hanham Hall is Steven Atkinson who is based in their Bristol office.

He can be contacted on 0300 5000 926.


During normal office hours: 01454 628000

Emergency calls (out of hours): 0345 601 6084

Non emergency calls cannot be dealt with outside of office hours

Hanham Hall Residents’ Group

If you have questions you can send us a message. You can also follow us on Facebook at HHRG Noticeboard.