Saturday 29 May

Update: now virtual only

Organiser: Helen Adams


This event will now be virtual only, as there was not enough interest from households opening their gardens. Please send photos of your garden, balcony or allotment to and these will be shared via the Virtual Open Gardens 2021 gallery on this site.

Summary Information

Register your interest at or on Facebook.

A list of those households taking part will be posted here by 28th May.

Prefer to share your green fingers virtually?  Send your photos to

Information for those opening their gardens

  • Households register their interest on Facebook or at
  • It is the responsibility of the household to ensure the number of visitors complies with Covid guidelines
  • It is suggested that a sign is placed by the entrance to your garden “Wait here” or “Come in” depending on whether you already have visitors.
  • Got some spare plants or seedlings, why not offer these to your neighbours?  It is up to you whether you ask for a donation.
  • If you wish to share your garden / balcony but do not, or cannot have visitors, then please share your photos so we can create a gallery on the website. Photos can be added to Facebook or sent to

Information for visitors

  • Details of gardens taking part will be posted here by 28th May
  • Visit any garden on the day, between 2-4pm
  • Please respect the wishes of the gardener and keep to Covid guidelines, for example look out for whether you need to wait for others to leave before you can enter
  • Check out the website for the photo gallery and get inspired for your own space!