HHRG logo

At the AGM of the Hanham Hall Residents Group (HHRG) on 2nd February 2022 it was not possible to form a committee and therefore the HHRG has not been able to continue. 

The HHRG has organised many events, activities, clubs, environmental projects and purchased community resources on behalf of residents. Now individuals or groups of residents who would like to organise future events/activities for the community are encouraged to apply directly to the CIC for funding.

About the Community Levy

Each household at Hanham Hall pays a Community Levy (£50 a year).  In addition to this 2% of the profit from any house sale on the development goes into this fund.  This money is to be spent on promoting social and community cohesion and wellbeing, a safe and attractive environment, sustainability, education, play and recreation.  This fund is overseen by the CIC.  The HHRG was formed to help suggest ways that some of this money could be spent for the benefit of the community. 

How can events happen without the HHRG?

Residents can now apply directly to the CIC to gain funding for an event

How can I keep informed of activities?

This website, the HHRG email and HHRG Notice Board Facebook group will all continue as they are so that they can be used to advertise events and activities. If you would like to receive email updates on what is happening at Hanham Hall please contact the HHRG email and ask to be added to the email group.