If you wish to make alterations or extensions to your property you will need to submit an application to the CIC.

All applications must be submitted to:

Hanham Hall CIC c/o Pinnacle Property Management Ltd
Units 1, 2 & 3 Beech Court
Wokingham Road
RG10 0RQ

Applications should be in the form of either two hard copies of drawings or two copies of a CD or memory stick.

For building extensions, alterations or conservatories, application drawings must include plans, elevations and at least two sections of the proposed work, all drawn to a scale of 1:100. As part of this, the location of all surrounding parts of your existing house should be clearly identifiable, as well as the location of your neighbour’s property and your boundary. These details should include all proposed and existing materials.

Any applications for porches, verandas, windows or doors are to show existing and proposed elevations to a scale of 1:100 and detailed elevation and section drawings to a minimum scale of 1:10.

Any applications for hardware, signage, are to show their locations on elevation drawings to a scale of 1:100 and full sized examples of the types chosen.

Please allow 10 working days following submission for Hanham Hall Community Interest Company to return to you with an approval or comments.