Environment Review

The environment group has now been running for three years and it’s time to take stock of how we are managing the less formal areas of our estate. 

Peter will lead a meeting to discuss this on Tuesday 16th Nov at 7.00pm in the community room. So if you have an interest in our local environment and would like to be part of a team that manage and look after it or you just want to get more enjoyment out of the natural areas around our estate, come along and see what you can do or just find out what is happening.

In an age of environmental turmoil, looking after our own back yard is more important than ever. So let’s make the Hanham meadows diverse, rich in wildlife and beautiful.

Our new residents…

Thanks to Street Goat we have the company of 4 goats – Molly, Poppy, Titch and Damo who have moved into the meadow. Do not be tempted to feed the goats as they are here to eat our brambles. Unexpected food can upset their stomachs, so please do not feed them anything.

They are contained by an electric fence so please keep your pets and children away – the shock is mild but it will be unpleasant.

They’ll be with us between 4-8 weeks depending on how quickly they get through the brambles!


The grazing of goats in our meadows has been approved by the CIC so we now need to organise the meadows to receive them. We will need a band of volunteers to help set up and look after the goats while they are with us. 

If you would like to take part there will be a gathering by the allotments on Wednesday 29th Sept at 6.30pm where Peter will outline what needs to be done.  If you would like to be involved but can’t make it please email and we will get back to you with an update.

Hay making time

hay bales in autumn sunshine

The meadows will be cut for hay sometime over the next couple of days and then the cut hay will be turned and raked before being baled. The complete process will take 7 – 10 days so please keep clear of the tractor when walking, and keep all dogs on a lead when the tractor is working.

Thank you!

Wildflower Meadow Guide

This is a repeat post from last year as this is such a wonderful gift from Peter it deserves another plug and reminder.

Our resident expert, Peter Smithers has produced a guide for the flowers to be found in the meadow. It is full of photos and details of when they are most likely to be found.

Peter says “This is the first edition of this guide so it is not a definitive list of the plants that make our meadows their home. More will be found and some will be lost as the meadows mature. If you find anything that is not in the guide send me a photo along with where about in the meadow you found it. I can then check it out and add it to the next edition of this guide.
Many thanks and I hope you enjoy wild flower spotting.”

Community Newsletter 6

This quarter’s newsletter is once again packed with information and news. As we continue to enjoy the great outdoors, you can find out about the joy of allotments (there are some available!) as well as hear what the environment group and bee keepers have been up to. If you were not lucky enough to witness the Circomedia visit, there is a write up and photos. And a teenage resident shares her reflections on the Hope Tree she organised and championed. If that’s not enough there is also a update from the CIC on their latest activities, plans and discussions.

Litter Picking

The Environment Group will meet on Sunday 25th April for their first litter pick around the meadows. This will be a socially distanced event that will adhere to the rule of six. Please meet at the shed by the allotment at 10am to collect the litter picking equipment. We should be done by 11am.

There is more information about the Environment Group on the Club pages.

Community Newsletter 5

A bumper edition this time around with information about upcoming events. There is a lot planned from Easter onwards (as Covid restrictions allow) so check out the dates for your diary. The environment group and cycling group are looking forward to getting out in the Spring air. And finally you can see details of winners of previous competitions, which should wet your appetite for the latest Summer Sunflower Competition.

Wildflower Meadow guide

Our resident expert, Peter Smithers has produced a guide for the flowers to be found in the meadow. It is full of photos and details of when they are most likely to be found.

Peter says “This is the first edition of this guide so it is not a definitive list of the plants that make our meadows their home. More will be found and some will be lost as the meadows mature. If you find anything that is not in the guide send me a photo along with where about in the meadow you found it. I can then check it out and add it to the next edition of this guide.
Many thanks and I hope you enjoy wild flower spotting.”