Community Newsletter 7

We have the joy of a newsletter in November to keep us up to date with all that is happening around the development. You can be reminded of some of the events of the late Summer (Hoedown and Outdoor Cinema) and our wonderful Goat visitors, as well as hear of groups and clubs you could get involved in, and updates from the committees.

There is always opportunity to take part in events or activities which maintain the development – this month’s shout out is for anyone willing to put some time into keeping the planters watered. If not they may well need to be removed.

Community Newsletter 6

This quarter’s newsletter is once again packed with information and news. As we continue to enjoy the great outdoors, you can find out about the joy of allotments (there are some available!) as well as hear what the environment group and bee keepers have been up to. If you were not lucky enough to witness the Circomedia visit, there is a write up and photos. And a teenage resident shares her reflections on the Hope Tree she organised and championed. If that’s not enough there is also a update from the CIC on their latest activities, plans and discussions.

Community Newsletter 5

A bumper edition this time around with information about upcoming events. There is a lot planned from Easter onwards (as Covid restrictions allow) so check out the dates for your diary. The environment group and cycling group are looking forward to getting out in the Spring air. And finally you can see details of winners of previous competitions, which should wet your appetite for the latest Summer Sunflower Competition.