
Litter Picking

The Environment Group will meet on Sunday 25th April for their first litter pick around the meadows. This will be a socially distanced event that will adhere to the rule of six. Please meet at the shed by the allotment at 10am to collect the litter picking equipment. We should be done by 11am.

There is more information about the Environment Group on the Club pages.

Easter events

As we (hopefully) emerge out of lockdown there are a few small events and activities to help us celebrate Easter and Spring and look forward to Summer.

On Good Friday (2nd April) you are invited to decorate the willow tree by the playground with a homemade decoration. This will be our Easter Hope Tree to bring us some joy. Then for the younger among us Easter Eggs will be delivered on Easter Monday (5th April). Be sure to request this from 7 Malpass Drive (there was a flyer within the recent newsletter) and let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.

And if cycling is your thing, there will be a ride on Saturday 3rd April to Brandy Bottom. The current Covid rules limit this ride to 6, so please contact Ian Hopton or if you are interested.

And for those under 15, it’s your last chance to enter the Sunflower Competition – so collect your seed and pot and get sowing!

Community Newsletter 5

A bumper edition this time around with information about upcoming events. There is a lot planned from Easter onwards (as Covid restrictions allow) so check out the dates for your diary. The environment group and cycling group are looking forward to getting out in the Spring air. And finally you can see details of winners of previous competitions, which should wet your appetite for the latest Summer Sunflower Competition.

Open Gardens

Having spent so much of lockdown at home, our gardens and balconies have had more attention than usual. Here is an in person or virtual opportunity to show them off!

Open Gardens will take place on Saturday 29th May. For more information on how you can take part, see the events listing.

Wildflower Meadow guide

Our resident expert, Peter Smithers has produced a guide for the flowers to be found in the meadow. It is full of photos and details of when they are most likely to be found.

Peter says “This is the first edition of this guide so it is not a definitive list of the plants that make our meadows their home. More will be found and some will be lost as the meadows mature. If you find anything that is not in the guide send me a photo along with where about in the meadow you found it. I can then check it out and add it to the next edition of this guide.
Many thanks and I hope you enjoy wild flower spotting.”